Note: This Program Is Not Available At The Moment. Do Not Tribute For It. However, I WILL Blackmail you. Create an account here, add money and message Me to start. Expect to pay. I block fast.
Get ready for 7 days of blackmail fantasy; get your pc or laptop monitored and observed with employee monitoring software. Your privacy will be invaded; your browsing history transparent to Me. There is no hiding from Goddess Lila, blackmail bitch! I will obtain ALL the info needed to really fantasy blackmail a loser!
Note; this program only includes having your data uploaded and perused at My leisure; it does not include actually being fantasy-blackmailed; blackmail bitches need to pay separately to actually get blackmailed during a session or you can call My phone line at IWantClips for Me to toy with you! Or you can just wait till I release My blackmail exposure follow-up videos where I call bitches out and make demands of you!
How Does This Blackmail Fantasy Program Work?
Blackmail bitch will be instructed to download a particular program that is used specifically for remote employee monitoring. This program does not track keystrokes, but it will take periodic screenshots of your desktop at random 10 minute intervals.
This program must be installed in your daily pc or laptop. You are to use it as usual; if you use this laptop for your daily work then continue doing so. Blackmail fantasy bitch is to go into the "settings" selection and enable this program to start automatically upon startup of your device and to run in the background without notifying you every time it takes a screenshot. This way, blackmail bitch will forget it is even running and won't even know what it took a screenshot of, which is the best part.
The images are automatically be uploaded into the cloud where Goddess will be able to view them at My convenience. Once the images are downloaded they live in the cloud forever until I delete them. Blackmail-fantasy bitch will not be able to delete them.

What Makes This Blackmail-Fantasy Program So Dangerous?
This is different from blackmail games where you send selective information. A blackmail bitch doesn't need to tell Me the name of his significant other or job. Goddess will be able to ascertain all I need to know from simply looking at your screenshots. A bitch shouldn't decide what he gets to send. With this program bitch doesn't decide; the software will take screenshots continuously.
What Is The Cost Of This 7-Day Fantasy-Blackmail Surveillance Program?
$100 for an entire week of being monitored. You can keep your laptop on for 24 hrs a day. The program will take random screenshots as long as the program is running.
What Is The Name Of This Software?
You will find out when you pay. A blackmail fantasy bitch doesn't need too much information beforehand. No need to reason or analyze. No decision making. Goddess has decided that this program will be used and that is all there is to it.
Will You Fantasy Blackmail Me?
This program is for information extraction purposes only. Blackmail is done via a session... a texting session on IWC will be $80 for 30 min, $100 for a 10 min Skype video session or you can call My blackmail phone line on IWantClips (visit my store and select "phone" from the left hand column). This program is more for the thrill of sending your info for Me. You need to pay for a session if you want to be blackmailed. The act of being blackmailed is transactional; don't expect Me to blackmail you for free out of the blue.
A second option is to wait until I release My follow-up blackmail "Exposed" clips where I may call you out and make a demand of you. I call out blackmail bitches who have sent Me info in these clips so you'll have to buy them in order to meet My new demand or get exposed!
I Am Too Scared To Be Fantasy Blackmailed Like This!
If you're a pussy bitch, dip your toes in by buying My blackmail clips at My store. Select "blackmail fantasy" from the drop-down menu.
I Am Ready To Be A Blackmail Bitch!
Good. Send $100 here and message Me your email address. I will need it to add you as an "employee" and send you an invite to download the software.
Last Updated on August 23, 2024 by Goddess Lila